Worship Day I – Sofia, June 2023
Worship Day II – Plovdiv, October 2023
Worship Day III – Sofia, June 2024
Playlist all songs Worship Day I
Playlist all songs Worship Day II

Worship Day is a non-denominational event organized by Manna Ministry that gathers worship teams from various churches for a day of unified praise to the Lord Jesus. We have held three of these events so far, featuring some of Bulgaria’s most notable worship teams, and it has become a highly anticipated event.

At Worship Day, we present not only music but also a variety of artistic expressions such as dance, video, ballet, painting, and more. Our goal is to bring together diverse talents in one place, allowing visitors to experience the fullness of God’s anointing and presence.

We believe that while we work eight hours a day for others and receive payment, dedicating one day entirely to the Lord will be rewarded with His presence and guidance.